A comprehensive review towards smart homes and cities considering sustainability developments, concepts, and future trends
1 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Bani Waleed University, Bani Walid/ Libya.
2 Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Karabuk University, Karabuk, Turkey.
3 Mechanical & Renewable Energy Engineering, Wadi Alshatti University, Brack, Libya.
4 Electrical Engineering and Smart System Department, The Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine.
5 Research and Development of Department, College of Civil Aviation, Misrata, Libya.
6 Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Sebha, Libya.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(01), 1482–1489
Publication history:
Received on 20 June 2023; revised on 26 July 2023; accepted on 28 July 2023
The adoption of Smart Homes (SHs) and Smart Cities (SCs) brings numerous benefits to the society and environment by exploiting the Information communication technologies (ICTs). These include increased efficiency, reduced energy waste, lower utility bills, improved safety and security, enhanced mobility options, and a more sustainable and liveable urban environment using Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology. Moreover, the integration of technology such Internet of Things (IoT) and data-driven solutions can lead to better decision-making, more responsive public services, and increased citizen engagement. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed for the full realization of smart homes and smart cities. These include concerns related to privacy, data security, interoperability of devices and systems, infrastructure investment, and ensuring equitable access to these technologies. Overcoming these challenges will require collaboration between policymakers, technology providers, urban planners, and citizens to create a framework that balances innovation, privacy, and sustainability. Despite the challenges, the potential benefits of smart homes and smart cities make them compelling solutions for the future. By leveraging technology to create more efficient, sustainable, and liveable spaces, smart homes and smart cities have the potential to significantly improve our everyday lives and contribute to a more prosperous and environmentally friendly future.
SHs; SCs; ICT; V2G; IoT
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